Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Process Areas

A process area is a cluster of related practices in an area that, when implemented collectively, satisfy a set of goals considered important for making improvement in that area.

There are 22 process areas, presented here in alphabetical order by acronym:

  • Causal Analysis and Resolution (CAR)
  • Configuration Management (CM)
  • Decision Analysis and Resolution (DAR)
  • Integrated Project Management +IPPD (IPM+IPPD)(*)
  • Measurement and Analysis (MA)
  • Organizational Innovation and Deployment (OID)
  • Organizational Process Definition +IPPD (OPD+IPPD)6
  • Organizational Process Focus (OPF)
  • Organizational Process Performance (OPP)
  • Organizational Training (OT)
  • Product Integration (PI)
  • Project Monitoring and Control (PMC)
  • Project Planning (PP)
  • Process and Product Quality Assurance (PPQA)
  • Quantitative Project Management (QPM)
  • Requirements Development (RD)
  • Requirements Management (REQM)
  • Risk Management (RSKM)
  • Supplier Agreement Management (SAM)
  • Technical Solution (TS)
  • Validation (VAL)
  • Verification (VER)

(*)This process area has "+IPPD" after its name because it contains a goal and practices that are specific to IPPD. The material specific to IPPD is called an "IPPD addition." All process areas with IPPD additions have "+IPPD" after their name.

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